Landing Page vs Website: What’s the Difference?

Landing Page vs Website: What’s the Difference?

Landing Page vs Website: What’s the Difference?

I believe you must have heard about landing page a lot recently, especially in digital marketing. Have you ever been confused between the landing page and the website, especially if you are a newbie on the Internet?

If you are unsure when to use a landing page or a website or whether you only have one of them enough? You are at the right place! In this post, we will show you the difference between the landing page and the website.


Landing Page vs Website – The Overview

Landing Page Website
Number of Pages A single page and a thank you pop up page 5 pages or more with a navigation menu
Information Information about the specific product, service/offer All information about the company and products/services
Functionality Use of images, text, CTA buttons and a form With multiple functions and elements
Goal Drive sales or collect leads Introduce or explain your company
Navigation Limited navigation All pages are accessible easily


What is a Landing Page?

According to Lindsey Marino, a landing page is web page that provides further information after a potential client clicks on a smaller embedded advertisement on another webpage.

In general:
– Describe a particular product/service/offer
– Used to drive traffic/sales for a specific marketing campaign
– Does not have a navigation menu to avoid distraction


What is a Website?

Per Computer Hope, a site or website is a central location of web pages that are related and accessed by visiting the home page of the website using a browser.

In general:
– Present your company. products and services
– With a navigation menu to enable more discoveries
– Provide extra functions such as online booking, customer support, subscriptions, etc.


When To Use a Landing Page?

1. For Marketing Purpose

Using a specific landing page for marketing ads will be more relevant than a general product page. This could easily and faster catch your target customers’ eyeballs by presenting what you want them to see with a landing page.

You can kickstart your sales with some baits:
– Giveaway
– Discount
– Event and etc.


2. Straightforward

The landing page is very straightforward because it is only a single page without navigation. This helps your target audiences pay attention to what you want them to see and click. This could effectively increase the engagement and conversion rate.


3. Cover Different Groups of Audiences

The cost and time consuming of building a landing page are respectively lower than building a website. Therefore, many companies don’t mind having a few different landing pages to target a different market segment.

For example:
– Demographics
– Locations
– Price and etc.


4. Leads Magnet

A landing page is one of the best tools to collect potential customers’ leads. It is important to involve an opt-in page or lead capture page. Therefore, your visitors can provide their contact such as names, emails or contact numbers to you.

– Ebook
– Webinar
– Free trial, etc.

Landing Page vs Website: What’s the Difference?

When To Use a Website?

1. Share Your Story

You can have multiple pages on your website; therefore, you have many rooms to input more content. Contrastly, the information on a landing page would be stacked, and the visitors might not feel enough with the info given.

However, a website with a navigation menu can satisfy those visitors who love to read more info and research. Hence, user testing is important to help you figure out which pages should go for and how to organize your content on both the landing page and website.


2. Power of SEO

Search Engine Optimisation is very important for each website. It helps potential customers to discover your company with accurate queries.

Each page should have a dedicated keyword, so the user is able to search easier and more accurately. This is one of the major advantages of a website over a landing page.

Types of Keywords:
– Product/Service keywords
– Location keywords
– Customer-defining keywords


3. Interact With Your Customers

The website enables us to present our company culture, mission and vision and so on. We can work together with our company website to create our branding.

With different pages, we can create clear pictures and messages to deliver to our audiences. A landing page is very hard to achieve.

– Vission & Mission
– Company culture
– Company events/trips/activities


4. Provide Solutions

Visitors would like to spend more time with your website if you could offer them solutions or functions. For example, allows your registered visitors to download recipes, research, make orders and etc.

– Stores
– Forums
– Scheduling and etc.



Both landing pages and websites are needed for any company because each of them plays a different and important role. A website will serve many critical purposes however a landing page capitalized on the specific target audience and to achieve particular marketing goals.

If you are interested in trying out the landing page to convert visitors to consumers or an informative website for your company, click here or leave me a comment below!

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