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  • website design company in Malaysia
    WoWoNiNi New Face – New Logo
    WoWoNiNi has rebranded with a new logo, symbolizing its growth as a professional website design company in Malaysia. Over the last 10 years, the company has helped more than 300…
  • 6 Key Elements of A Great Website
    6 Key Elements of A Great Website
    Website must have clear message, complete contact, functional design/navigation, strong calls-to-action, mobile compatibility, and SEO optimization. Simple/informative homepage, clear contact info builds trust. Engaging design and clear navigation create good…
  • Why A Website Needs Stock Photos?
    Why A Website Needs Stock Photos?
    Why use stock photos? 67% of online shoppers say high-quality images are important to their purchasing decisions. Get stock photos from Vecteezy, Freepik, Pixabay, Stockvault, or Pickwizard. All offer free…
  • What is VPS?
    What is VPS?
    A VPS is a virtual private server that operates as a physical computer under virtualization software. It provides better reliability, security, and performance compared to shared hosting and is more…
  • What is Cloud Server?
    What is Cloud Server?
    Cloud servers are virtual servers that can be accessed remotely and located anywhere in the world. They are built and hosted in a cloud computing environment and offer benefits such…
  • What Is Shared Hosting?
    What Is Shared Hosting?
    Shared hosting offers affordable monthly subscriptions, ranging from RM 3 to RM 30, by sharing server resources with many clients. It's a popular choice for beginners and small businesses. It…
  • What Is Dedicated Server?
    What Is Dedicated Server?
    A dedicated server is a type of Internet hosting in which the client leases an entire server not shared with anyone else. It is suitable for a big company or…
  • 4 Steps To Choose A Suitable Web Host
    4 Steps To Choose A Suitable Web Host
    Choose a web host by considering speed, support, and security. Determine your website needs, understand server types (shared, VPS, dedicated, cloud), choose a suitable web builder, and compare key factors…